Our 8th Day in Tokyo was very rough for me. My stomach was still bothering me from the day before and I was up most of the night in pain. My travel buddy, Adam, took it easy on me and we set out to have a very low-key day – shopping, visiting an Owl Cafe, and hitting up Akihabara.
Our first top was our new local hangout, Tokyo Skytree. We did some shopping and located their AMAZING underground food hall area, where we had tons of options for lunch. I decided on some simple, but fabulous chicken skewers, while Adam went for more sushi! I can’t recommend this place enough for souvenirs AND good food!

Tokyo Skytree
We then wandered through the Asakusa shopping area to find a few more souvenirs and locate the Owl Cafe I saw previously.
At most owl cafes, you pay a fee, get a cheap beverage, and then hang out with the owls for about an hour. I don’t really know much about how the animals are treated, though they seemed fairly content (who am I to know). I did have a hard time seeing them couped up, like I do every time I visit a zoo, so I’m not sure I’d go back. I did get to hold one owl, though he was not remotely interested in posing for a picture haha! Verdict: Pass on this one!
After resting up, we headed over to Akihabara so Adam could see what it was like, get tempted by a maid cafe (haha), and have a mild mild dinner.
I was very glad we took it easy that day, because we had a busy day ahead of us – our last full day in Tokyo: Shopping in Shibuya.
*Check out my first seven days in Tokyo: